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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

amazing detail in NASA moon map

If a private spaceflight doesn’t fit your travel budget, NASA’s new interactive lunar atlas may be the next best thing. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter team has stitched together 10,581 images intoa gorgeous, detailed online map of the moon’s north pole.

The mosaic covers 2.54 million square kilometers — slightly larger than the combined areas of Alaska and Texas. The detail is stunning: At the highest zoom, each pixel shows a piece of the moon just 2 meters across.
Anyone who has used online maps will be familiar with the interface. Simple pan and zoom buttons allow users to soar and swoop over the lunar landscape. Dynamically updated labels mark interesting sites and keep you oriented.

The subtleties visible in the terrain are remarkable. You can see pock-marked impact melts, tracks from rolling boulders and fissures blanketing crater floors. Each vista highlights the cold beauty of our celestial neighbor and shows that the moon is an active, changing world.


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